Tuesday, July 11, 2017

First Night in Nashville.

We arrived at campsite, Grand Ole RV Park. Not much to boost about this place. It is basically a glorified parking lot with us being the smallest of all the RVs.  This place looks like a tour bus museum.  There is a train that rides by on occasion that is located on the other side of the park.  We have a lovely view of a highway. Not much grass in this park, but it is close to town.

Upon arrival, we set up camp, had lunch.and laid back for a bit before we left for Dancing with the Stars at the Grand Ole Opry. The show started at 7:30 pm. so we left around 5 pm. to shop at the nearest Aldi for drinks and ice. We arrived at the Grand Ole Opry to find an enormous mall across the street, Opry Mills, reminded me of Arundel Mills Mall. We had a lite dinner of appetizers at Friday's and proceeded to the Grand Ole Opry.  We attended the show and were disappointed that it did not follow the TV show's format. It consisted mostly of dancing routines with wanna be stars that would stop and speak highly of themselves from time to time. It was not enjoyable. We decided to leave early to avoid the almost packed house's departure. The theater itself is beautiful with its fine woodworking and grand stage.  We would of preferred to have seen a country music singer or band instead. We returned to camp and quickly settled in for the night. Looking forward to the city of Nashville today.

Interior of Grand Ole Opry.

Out front of the entrance.

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