Monday, July 3, 2017

In Milleson, WV

I can see why WV is the poorest state. Many run down properties here. Our camp ground is interesting like something we never seen before. There is no running water at our site and had to transport water in the truck in storage containers. Had to siphon the water from the container to the RV holding tank. It worked, and now we can wash dishes and use the facilities. No over-the-air TV; no wireless internet, no cell service, as though we went through some type of RV time machine. There is a 3.5 mile dirt road that leads to our campground. A narrow two way road that barely fits two cars. Challenge to get a RV through. WV though is a pretty state with beautiful scenery and massive wind farms.

Here's road to the campground. 

Here's our campsite at Milleson Walnut Grove.

A sample of the wind farms.

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