Thursday, July 13, 2017

Off to Floyd, VA.

Not much of a sightseeing day yesterday. Michele and  the kids visited the Knoxville Zoo in the after upon our arrival. Michele recorded a gentleman with a guitar serenading a Sumatran and a Bengal tiger.

Cesare decided to stay in the RV with Willow to clean and fix a couple things including making dinner. 

We took the time in the evening to catch up with the laundry. Michele and Cesare meet a couple in the laundry area that were tent camping this week in the heat. They came to the laundry area to cool off in the air conditioning. The woman was Knoxville and he was from Melbourne, FL. for a visit.. We had a nice conversation while the clothes were drying. The kids laid back in the RV watching Ironman 3. This campground has beautiful view of a lake with surrounding trees. The campsites are tight, but we are here for one night.

We are packing up for a long ride of  253 miles to Chantilly Festival Farms in Floyd, VA.

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