Saturday, July 15, 2017

Return home

There is no adventure to speak off today. We basically packed up and left for home. The drive home (148 miles) was fine until we reached the out skirts of Baltimore. For two weeks we drove mostly on highways and back roads with little to no traffic except for Nashville.  Outside of Baltimore, the human race drive like their lives depend on it. Once we hit the interchange between I70 and 695 east the traffic came to a dead stop for no reason. Drivers weaving in and out of lanes without signaling. It was 2 pm in Saturday afternoon and it drove like 5pm on a Friday night. I guess Cesare was spoiled by the rural driving. We also received news just as we left the campground that Michele's Aunt Beverly was rushed to the hospital for a blood clot in her leg. This is something we were not ready to hear with a long drive home. She is in surgery at the moment and praying all goes well for her.

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