Thursday, July 6, 2017

Leaving for Ashland/Huntington KOA with final impression of WV.

Today we pack up and head for Kentucky to the Ashland/Huntington KOA,  The drive is 169 miles from here.

Final thoughts of WV
This is a beautiful state to visit with the mountains and rolling hills, beautiful greenery and rivers. Here's a list of words that were obvious when you drive through WV: trucks, motorcycles, four-wheelers, RVs, wind farms, tractors, breathable air, churches, confederate flags, historic small towns, gardens, ranches, stacked firewood, and no street lights. Stonewall Resort is a beautiful place to stay especially in the resort lodge. We may consider coming back here. As far as Milleson Walnut Grove campground, we weren't impressed with its lack of running water and dirt road. WV was an adventure.

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