Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Continuation of Milleson, WV.

In the afternoon of July 3, we traveled 75 miles to Blackwater Falls in Davis, WV. It was well worth the drive to see it. On our way back we saw the smallest chapel, Our Lady of the Pines. est. 1958 which seats twelve people comfortably and post office in the 48 states,  Upon our return to the campsite, we made a lovely dinner of grilled catfish, mashed cauliflower and Caesar salad. Finished the night off with a game of frisbee with Kellen and Carina, a beer and a campfire.

I apologize for the latency of these posts. I didn't realize internet and cell service in WV is nonexistent. We get excited whenever a 4G signal is present when driving around.  Our phones go nuts when we hit these pockets of access.


  1. Hi. Gerry gave me your blog! We went to Blackwater on our honeymoon.! Beautiful place. You are really enjoying the trailer. Tell Carina I finished her painting
